These cookies were for a couple who invited 600 people to their wedding, and wanted to leave these boxes onto the tables, so their guests would enjoy.
I had to work real hardly, but it makes me proud to be able to deliver big work with no issues.

There are many lovers who ask me for a few pairs of tehse couples to propose; that is why I remembered to take a photo with diamond ring. That is my very own for sure but they came without cookies!! 🙂


  1. Anonymous says

    Wow, what cute cookies, and a very cute blog. This is the first time I have come upon your blog. Glad you left a comment on the cakejournal. It must take a lot of time. Do you use the same basic cookie recipe for all your cookies?


  2. yes, Erika, I use the same cookie recipe always. I never got negative feedback about it, so I keep working on. More important is the decoration anyway! Noone really cares about the cookie, but it is always good to know people enjoy the taste too