I got married when I was approaching 30. I had no intention, but fell so much in love that I could think of no decision/ideal etc. I am happily married for 5 years now, mom to a 2yr old to be. These cookies were for a couple celebrating 35 years of marriage! Waow, easy to say!
I think once you have a child, years simply pass by, and you realize you have been together for ages, sharing many things. Is that really romantic, we will see and know by experience 🙂
These are cute, and yes kids are a wonderful blessing. Aren't you glad Mr wonderful game along when you least expected it and now your married with a sweet child?
I always questioned marriage, but you are right…Looking also into the future, I believe being a family is more important than anything. But I have so many friends, with MR Wonderful cheating and leaving…so if family will get broken, why ever start it. Weird life 🙂