to be delivered to a 4th time customer! the cookies will celebrate the birthday of a 2-yr-old-to-be.


  1. Anonymous says

    When I was little I would not have ate one of your cookies. I would have saved it because it was so cute. My mom still has the gingerbread man cookie I saved from a school party in 2cd grade, because it was so cute. ha ha isn't that crazy?


    In Turkey is the 1st birthday party huge there? and what other childhood birthday is big 16?

  2. Waow, it is amazing the gingerbread remained until today; but I certainly agree. I also kept the first cookies of my baby – I was making with fondant; but then after a few months I got bored of them 🙂

    Parties are big over here you are right. We can finf any excuse to celebrate about our babies, first birthday, first tooth, ALL birthdays, second third…etc..they have to be big. Once the kids grow, we invite clowns etc. But I think we dont have 16 that importantly. It is not a cornerstone, but 18 is as we can do anything after then LOL