The girls above are ladybirds!! My mom hated them! She simply hated them! But I did not want to change anything, as they are characteristic ladybugs and I myself love them – what do you think!!??
They were prepared as a ‘thank you’ to a beloved customer of mine, who loves the taste of these cookies very much. Her friend wanted to make a surprise with these cookies and carefully selected the ones she enjoyed most.

It is one of those days when 24 hours is not enough at all, and it would not be enough even if I had 30 or 40! I close one notebook, start a training project with daddy, inbetween stick some stickers on cookie treat bags, come back again work on the blog… I am going slightly maaddd! Tomorrow at 9 work HARD! I have to survive these 2-3 weeks, wish me luck will you??